We are currently testing a feature called "-limitfps" on three different nodes. The purpose of this feature is to increase stability and decrease hiccups and desync. According to DayZ devs, setting the fps limit to 60 is optimal, and anything above that is unnecessary. We are testing this claim to see if it holds true. If it doesn't, we will remove the feature.
It's important to note that the "-limitfps" feature only limits the fps to 144, without affecting the powerful hardware specifications. It's similar to locking the refresh rate of a 244hz monitor to prevent stuttering while gaming if it is above 244fps. The feature has been implemented on one server, and so far, the results have been positive. The server shows an fps of 64 all the time, even though it's actually more than that due to the "lock". Some players are also reporting less desync while flying helicopters and driving cars.
We will continue to monitor the test and see if it is beneficial. If it is not, that's okay, and we will remove the feature.
In addition, add this to the serverdz_cfg;
simulatedPlayersBatch = 20;
multithreadedReplication = 1;
Wednesday, January 31, 2024